A Christmas Wish

beach sunrise

The winter solstice has passed, and we are on our way to longer days, shorter nights. It makes sense that we celebrate the birth of Jesus at about the same time as the world around us begins to grow brighter.

As we wait these last few days, I wish you hope.

I wish you love.

I wish you the joy of welcoming an infant savior into the world and the peace that comes from welcoming the adult Christ into your days.

Merry Christmas!

9 thoughts on “A Christmas Wish

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words and for your support as I began this blogging adventure. Your input has helped me stay motivated, and I truly appreciate you! I wish you a happy New Year and much blogging success in 2016!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So, you’re a ‘newbie’ at blogging, too. When did you start and why? I started writing with a bit more purpose last Spring after a few people encouraged me to keep writing and they enjoyed my ‘musings’, as my sister called them so I convinced myself to do it. The logging came about because I wanted to share the ‘musings’ and get feedback. I’m a former salesperson and sales folk love feedback to satisfy our narcissistic personalities. Ha! Maybe I’ll take a writing class this year. Okay, I’ll wait for your when and why. Meantime, stay out of the weather’s harm way. It’s 10 d here today in Rochester, NY (think Buffalo).

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I started in October. You can read the whole “why” story in my first post, “Stories.” (See what I did there?Driving traffic to other spots in my blog. I hate self-promotion, but I’m learning how to do it anyway!) Sounds like your “why” is very similar to mine. I have taken a few classes, but most of my training has come as professional development while I was a language arts teacher. I take classes on line sometimes, but very few of them have been worth the expense. If you find some good ones, let me know!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I read your review on me and my book, A Collection of Texas Stories. You have writing talent. Have you considered writing a novel? If so lets get together sometime and see what we each have to offer each other. My next book as I told you will be two novels in one book. The first is the treasure ship Santa Maria and the other is The legend of Joe Green. It is about two cowboys that commit a robbery and take their money and start a horse ranch that over time is very successful. it is a human interest story concerning family from Mexico and and the two cowboys. The stories are now in the hands of my son how editing them for me. I hope to publish them in late Spring after I decide on a publisher.
    Dudley Johnson


    1. Thank you, Dudley! I appreciate your kind words. I have just finished drafting a nonfiction book about Advent. I’m not much of a fiction writer. There may be a novel in me, but it hasn’t surfaced yet. I have written one children’s picture book, but even that is almost autobiographical. You are lucky to have your son working with you. What a worthwhile family project! Thanks again, and good luck with your 2016 writing and publishing goals. I look forward to seeing what’s new from you!


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